Computer Graphics ✶ C++, OpenGL
January 2024
I. Introduction
The OpenGL rendering pipeline is a technique for real-time, responsive rendering. My implementation focuses on the vertex shader, fragment shader, and framebuffer operations.
The key features of this renderer include:
Customizable tessellation -- This enables rendering in both low poly and high poly styles.
Camera and near/far plane interactibility -- Because the OpenGL rendering pipeline is so efficient, frames can be generated multiple times per second, enabling real-time camera movement and near/far plane adjustment.
Filters -- Using framebuffer operations, a per-pixel filter (black and white) and a kernel filter (blur) can be applied to any rendering.
II. Results
This demo displays the key features of this renderer. The images below are stills from the demo.
Maximum tessellation applied
Per-pixel filter (black and white) applied
Minimum tessellation applied
Kernel filter (blur) applied